“Eyes haven’t seen,
ears haven’t heard…”
"Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into the heart of any man the things that God has prepared for those that love him."
1 Corinthians 2:9
Second & Nine is inspired by the confirmation that nobody has even dreamed of whats next for you in life!
What is Second & Nine?
Second & Nine is Ra’Shaud’s idea. His interpretation of the scripture, and his philosophy for life.
Read Ra’Shaud’s Story
Ra'Shaud Graham was a locally respected coach, motivator, inspirational speaker, mentor, chaplain and minister. "Shaud" or "Coach Graham" as he was affectionately known, started sharing inspiration as a teenager in the huddles of the Lake City High School Football team.
“You don’t know what life has coming your way. But you will be prepared. Your mind. Your body. Your spirit will be prepared.”
— Ra’Shaud Graham
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